Wednesday, September 9, 2009

True Blood Homage For the Upcoming Holiday...

Halloween is coming, and it's my favorite holiday! (I hope I'm up on my feet to celebrate by then).
Anyway, I've started watching True Blood Season 1 with my boyfriend, Nick, and, I must say, it's quite good. I haven't finished it yet, so don't give it away :]

MaidOfClay on Etsy has these super fun and creepy (good creepy) True Blood mugs. My favorite is the "I Wanna Be Sookie" one because Sookie is such a silly name. The fang holes and blood paint are such nice touches. Very, very clever.

Thanks, Felicia!


  1. I'm torn between "eewww" and "cool". You are so creative!

  2. I don't deserve the credit for it! But, I hear ya on that one.

  3. Hi SquirrelyWhirls - Thanks so much for featuring my True Blood mugs. Can't wait for the finale on Sunday!

  4. I love True Blood! Such a great, campy show. This mug is so awesome, I'll definitely be checking out your shop, Maid of Clay!
