Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween Woes

Halloween is my favorite. Dressing up makes me so happy and having a good excuse to do it with other people is so fun. My health is getting better finally (yay!), but I am still going to have to sit this one out....regrettably....very regrettably....especially since my boyfriend is playing in his new band for the first time at a big party.

Anyway, if I could dress up, I think it would be fun to be Little Edie from Grey Gardens, even though not many people would know who I was...

Last year Nick and I were Hans und Hilga and had a Halloween party at our apartment. We don't live together anymore--- not because we don't want to by any means, but we have a lot of obstacles to get through right now (money- yuck and health mostly).

I made our costumes in a flurry fury right before Halloween. Nick's Lederhosen was complete with Wurst on the waist panel (his idea).

I'll just have to start planning for next year...


  1. Great picture! Hope next year is better to you.

  2. I, too hope you are getting better!! And money woes, oh yeah...I feel your pain!! xo Cait

  3. thanks for the comments! You are both wonderful supporters of my blog :]

  4. I love your Halloween picture

  5. thanks, Christie! I look so goofy...
    I made a necklace of gnomes out of my little gnome collection, but it didn't last long that night!

  6. I was Little Edie a couple of years ago! Weird!

    And yeah, only one person knew who I was, but it was worth it.

  7. Then you picked a great costume! I'd say if one person knew, then it was totally worth it.
