Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Peculiar Theremin

Dear Theremin,

You are a peculiar instrument whose eccentricity intrigues me. Your combination of science, music, and atmosphere spills out with your engaging and vibrating sound. You have captivated my attention since the first time I met you and learning to play you is on my list of things to do before I die. You have a lovely ability to camouflage and vary your form adding a charming mystery to your presence. Those who play you look like sorcerers of sound, and I long to be still and aware enough to make you sing. I like you best as a gnome.

Thanks for existing,

(From theremaniacs on Etsy)

P.S. Check out Pamelia Kurstin, a theremin virtuoso to see the potential of this peculiarity. She plays in a band called Barbez-- they are amazing, and I was given the stroke of luck to see them perform and it was one of those great shows where you know nothung about the music beforehand. It was wonderful.

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